Dollars & Sense 50th-Anniversary Interviews
Interviews on the Occasion of the Magazine’s 50th Anniversary
This article is from Dollars & Sense: Real World Economics, available at

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Two sets of interviews to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dollars & Sense:
- Interviews with David Bacon, Emily Kawano, and Yvonne Liu (who contributed to this roundtable discussion in our 50th-anniversary issue) were part of the December 26th episode of Economics for the People on KKFI in Kansas City, with Taki Manolakos interviewing Emily and Yvonne and Chris Sturr interviewing David Bacon.
- Andrej Markovčič interviewed D&S founder Arthur MacEwan and D&S collective member Zoe Sherman for Jacobin: How Left Economists Have Challenged Economic “Common Sense”.
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