Real World Banking and Finance
Edited by Bill Barclay, Doug Orr, Mechthild Schrooten,
Chris Sturr,
John Summa, and the Dollars & Sense Collective

- Edition:
- 8th
- Date of publication:
- August 2022 | NOW AVAILABLE!
- 978-1-939402-63-9
- Price:
- $40.50
- Pages:
- 406
- Chapter 1: Money, The Federal Reserve, and the Economy
- Introduction
- 1.1 What is Money?
- 1.2 The "Bond Market" Versus the Rest of Us
- 1.3 The New Tools of the Fed
- 1.4 Dollar Dominance
- 1.5 Is “MMT” an Answer for the U.S.?
- 1.6 Cryptocurrencies Will Not Save Us
- Chapter 2: Financialization and Neoliberalism
- Introduction
- 2.1 Financialization: A Primer
- 2.2 The Origins and Crisis of Neoliberalism
- 2.3 Neoliberal Capitalism, Its Crisis, and What Comes Next
- 2.4 Financialization and Inequality
- 2.5 Financialization, Neoliberalism, and Neo-Fascism
- 2.6 Neoliberalism as Neocolonialism
- Chapter 3: The Banking and Finance Industry
- Introduction
- 3.1 From “Boring” Banking to “Roaring” Banking
- 3.2 Not Too Big Enough
- 3.3 Big Bank Immunity: When Will We Crack Down?
- 3.4 Hedge Funds
- 3.5 How Private Equity Works and Why It Matters
- Chapter 4 · Financialization And the Rest of the Economy
- Introduction
- 4.1 Boeing Hijacked by Shareholders and Execs!
- 4.2 Monetary Policy, Financialization, and the Loss of U.S. Manufacturing Jobs
- 4.3 Rising Asset Bubbles Distort the Industrial Base
- 4.4 Diamond Turning Innovation in the Age of Impatient Finance
- 4.5 The Bankruptcy Games
- 4.6 Caring by the Dollar: Nursing Homes, Private Equity, and Covid-19
Chapter 5: Financial Markets
- Introduction
- 5.1 The Big Casino: How to Rein In Stock Market Speculation
- 5.2 The Lure of “Democratizing” Finance
- 5.3 “Pressure from the Bond Market”
- 5.4 Transaction Tax: Sand in the Wheels, Not in the Face
- 5.5 The Stock Market and the Coronavirus Crisis
- 5.6 Concentration of Stock Ownership
- 5.7 Stock Buybacks: Any Positive Outcome?
- 5.8 Is “Short Selling” Bad for the Economy?
- 5.9 From Public Meat Markets to Derivatives Markets
- 5.10 From Grain Futures to the Great Financial Crisis and Beyond
- 5.11 Risky Business: Derivatives and Global Agriculture
- 5.12 The Swaps Crisis
- Chapter 6: Financial Crises
- Introduction
- 6.1 Crisis and Neoliberal Capitalism
- 6.2 We’re All Minskyites Now
- 6.3 Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble: Keynes and Financial Instability
- 6.4 That ’70s Crisis
- 6.5 Inexcusable: “Dr. Phil’s” Financial Recession
- 6.6 The Greed Fallacy
- 6.7 What Were the Bankers Thinking?
- 6.8 Securitization, the Bubble, and the Crisis
- 6.9 The Bailouts Revisited
- 6.10 How Have Banks Managed to Repay the Bailout?
- 6.11 The Fed and the Coronavirus Crisis
- 6.12 The Coronavirus Consensus: Spend, Spend, Spend
- 6.13 It’s Time to Ditch “Pay-For” Politics
- 6.14 Inflation Is Surging: Round Up the Usual Scapegoats
- Chapter 7: Debt and Finance
- Introduction
- 7.1 A Primer on Debt
- 7.2 The Debt Delusion: Living Within Our Means and Other Fallacies
- 7.3 Three Million Americans Are Debt Poor
- 7.4 The Corinthian Crisis
- 7.5 The Student Loan Crisis and the Debtfare State
- 7.6 Why Is Student Debt Cancellation a Big Deal?
- 7.7 Puerto Rico’s Colonial Debt
- Chapter 8: Mortgages, Consumer Credit, and Predatory Lending
- Introduction
- 8.1 America’s Growing Fringe Economy
- 8.2 Inside the World of Check-Cashing
- 8.3 The Housing Bubble Was No Accident
- 8.4 The Great Recession in Black Wealth
- 8.5 Libor Rigging Redux
- 8.6 Ponzi Schemes and Speculative Bubbles
- Chapter 9: Retirement Finance
- 9.1 Social Security Q & A: Separating Fact from Fiction
- 9.2 African Americans and Social Security
- 9.3 The $17 Trillion Delusion
- 9.4 Resusitating Private Social Security Accounts
- 9.5 Selling Out Workers and Retirees to Their Financial Advisers
- 9.6 What Happened to Defined-Benefit Pensions?
- 9.7 Detroit’s Bankruptcy Crisis: Pensions in the Balance
- 9.8 Why We Need Universal Pensions Katherine Sciacchitano
- Chapter 10: The International Financial System
- 10.1 The Giant Pool of Money
- 10.2 SWIFT, the U.S. Dollar, and the Global Political Economy of Trade
- 10.3 Microcredit and Women’s Poverty
- 10.4 Ex-Im Bank: Crony Capitalism, or Plain-Old Capitalism?
- 10.5 The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
- 10.6 No Blank Check for Development Banks
- 10.7 Financing Needs of Developing Countries
- Chapter 11: Resistance and Alternatives
- 11.1 A Case for Public Ownership
- 11.2 The Public Banking Alternative
- 11.3 Financing the New Economy
- 11.4 Leveraging Financial Markets for Social Justice
- 11.5 Making Carbon Visible to Investors (and Us!)
- 11.6 Underbanked and Overcharged
- 11.7 Taking the Bliders Off
- Contributors