The Economics of the Environment

Economics of the Environment cover image
Date of publication:
June 2015

The Economics of the Environment, 3nd edition, is a lively, thought-provoking supplement designed for courses in environmental or resource economics. This newly updated anthology from Dollars & Sense, the award-winning economics magazine, tackles the issues of environmental destruction and resource depletion that mainstream economics—and mainstream texts—fail to address adequately.

The articles in The Economics of the Environment provide real-world applications of economic theory to the environmental problems of today. They illustrate the importance of economics, and especially of alternatives to mainstream neoclassical environmental economics, for understanding these critical issues—while never letting students forget that the future of the planet and the very survival of our species are at stake.

This updated third edition includes a new chapter on environmental justice that is certain to stimulate thought and discussion.

“I have been using Dollars & Sense publications for nearly 20 years. I find them absolutely necessary for students to understand progressive, critical, real-world perspectives that are sorely absent from mainstream texts and readers.”
—GEORGE JOUGANATOS, California State University–Sacramento

“As textbooks become more conservative and less topical, I find that Dollars & Sense readers are more useful than ever in my undergraduate classes. They are jargon-free, up-to-date, and inexpensive, as well as consistently and thoughtfully progressive.”
—ROBIN HAHNEL, American University