Real World Labor
Edited by Ben Beckett, Kari Lydersen, Robert Ovetz, Kevin Van Meter, and the Dollars & Sense Collective

- Edition:
- 4th
- Date of publication:
- March 2024
- Pages:
- 259
- 978-1-939402-85-1
- Price:
- $37.50
- Introduction: How to Use This Book
- Chapter 1: Workers On the Move
- Introduction
- 1.1 Union Democracy Stands Up
- 1.2 The Chicago Teachers’ Strike 10 Years On
- 1.3 High-Octane Organizing at Starbucks
- 1.4 A New Sense of Possibility
- 1.5 Battling Starbucks
- 1.6 Worker Power at Amazon: Success Could be MESSI
- 1.7 Hollywood Is on Strike Against High-Tech Exploitation
- Chapter 2: Capitalism Is the Issue
- Introduction
- 2.1 What Is Capital?
- 2.2 What Are Corporations?
- 2.3 Power, Wages, and Inequality
- 2.4 Shut Up and Work!: “Free” Labor and Unequal Freedom of Expression
- 2.5 “Equal Pay” Is Not So Equal
- 2.6 Globalization and the End of the Labor Aristrocracy
- 2.7 Essential—and Expendable—Mexican Labor
- 2.8 Management Rights, Workers Wronged
- Chapter 3: What a Union Is and How to Organize One
- Introduction
- 3.1 What Is Labor?
- 3.2 What Is a Union?
- 3.3 Resources for Organizing
- 3.4 Credible Strike Threats
- 3.5 Turning the Workers’ Movement Around
- 3.6 Millions of Workers Want a Union
- Chapter 4: What We Fight For
- Introduction
- 4.1 Bubble Breakthrough
- 4.2 Battling Business-as-Usual Unionism
- 4.3 The Fight for $20 and a Union
- 4.4 “Migration is a Form of Fighting Back”
- 4.5 Essential, but Treated as Expendable
- 4.6 Race Inequality, Class Inequality
- 4.7 Taylor’s Digitial Stopwatch
- 4.8 It’s About Power, Not Income Equality
- 4.9 What’s Behind the Teachers’ Strikes
- Chapter 5: Visions for the Future
- Introduction
- 5.1 The Case for Nationalizing the Railroads
- 5.2 Will There Be a Just Transition to Electric Vehicles?
- 5.3 Lessons from the First Union Climate Strike in the United States
- 5.4 AI and the Future of Work
- 5.5 We Should Demand Democratic Workplaces, but What Does That Mean?
- 5.6 The UAW Has Had a Big Year. They’re Preparing for an Even Bigger One
- Contributors