Real World Micro
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- Edition:
- 31st
- Date of publication:
- June 2024
- 978-1-939402-87-5
- Price:
- $47.50
Note: This is the table of contents for the latest (31st) edition of Real World Micro. If you are ordering a pdf of an earlier edition of this title, please ask your instructor for that edition's table of contents, and make sure you order your pdf using the URL your instructor gave you.
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Markets: Ideology and Reality
- Introduction
- 1.1 The Unreal Basis of Neoclassical Economics
- 1.2 Shaking the Invisible Hand
- 1.3 Inequality and the Structure of Markets
- 1.4 Freedom, Equity, and Efficiency
- 1.5 Sharing the Wealth of the Commons
- 1.6 Why and How the Economics Discipline Must Change
- Chapter 2: Supply and Demand
- Introduction
- 2.1 Price Gouging: It’s Just Supply and Demand
- 2.2 The Economics of Residential Rent Control
- 2.3 Getting Up to Speed on the Minimum Wage
- 2.4 Are Governments Economically Stupid in Failing to Suspend Patent Protection for Vaccines?
- 2.5 Brewing Inequality: How the GLobal Tea Trade Works
- 2.6 Mixing Oil and Water
- Chapter 3: Consumers
- Introduction
- 3.1 The 800-Pound Ronald McDonald in the Room
- 3.2 Forced Arbitration Is Bad for Consumers
- 3.3 The Limits of Ethical Consumerism
- 3.4 Leveraging Financial Markets for Social Justice
- 3.5 After Horror, Change?
- 3.6 The U.S. Corporations Profiting from the Israeli Occupation
- 3.7 The Future of Work, Leisure, and Consumption
- Chapter 4: Firms, Production, and Profit Maximization
- Introduction
- 4.1 What Are Corporations?
- 4.2 If Corporations Are People, What Kind of People Are They?
- 4.3 Pursuing Profits, or Power?
- 4.4 “Free” Labor and Unequal Freedom of Expression
- 4.5 Control the Vampire Companies
- 4.6 Taylor's Digital Stopwatch
- 4.7 What’s Good for Wal-Mart ...
- 4.8 Boeing Hijacked by Shareholders and Execs!
- 4.9 Silicon Valley Fractures
- Chapter 5: Market Failure I: Market Power
- Introduction
- 5.1 Is Small Beautiful? Is Bigger Better?
- 5.2 A Brief History of Mergers and Antitrust Policy
- 5.3 Monopoly Everywhere
- 5.4 Monopoly So Fragile: Container Ships Are Too Big to Sail
- 5.5 How 'Big Oil' Works the System and Keeps Winning
- 5.6 The Landlord Lobby Fights Dirty
- Chapter 6: Market Failure II: Externalities
- Introduction
- 6.1 Why the Climate Crisis Is Also the Crisis of Capitalism
- 6.2 Pricing the Priceless: Inside the Strange World of Cost–Benefit Analysis
- 6.3 Can We Afford a Stable Climate?
- 6.4 Everything Is Connected with Everything Else
- 6.5 Inequality and Climate Change
- 6.6 Essential, but Treated as Expendable
- Chapter 7: Labor Markets
- Introduction
- 7.1 What Is the State of Organized Labor?
- 7.2 Household Labor, Caring Labor, Unpaid Labor
- 7.3 Wage Theft as a Business Model
- 7.4 Battling Starbucks
- 7.5 Putting Children to Work
- 7.6 Forced Labor vs. Forced Idleness
- 7.7 One Year After the Nurses’ Strike, What Comes Next?
- 7.8 A Night in the Life of an Amazon Warehouse Worker
- Chapter 8: The Distribution of Income and Wealh
- Introduction
- 8.1 Geese, Golden Eggs, and Traps
- 8.2 The Rise of Income Inequality in the United States
- 8.3 "Equal Pay" Is Not So Equal
- 8.4 Undervaluation Is a Certainty: Measuring Black Women’s Wage Gap
- 8.5 Economic Inequality and Homelessness
- 8.6 Concentration of Stock Ownership
- 8.7 Death and Inequality
- 8.8 Who Benefits from U.S. Economic Expansions?
- 8.9 Income, Wealth, and All That
- 8.10 Race Inequality, Class Inequality
- 8.11 The Heavy, Unequal Burden of Student Debt
- Chapter 9: Taxation
- Introduction
- 9.1 The Great Tax-Cut Experiment
- 9.2 The Optimal Tax
- 9.3 Corporate Taxes: Less, Less, and Less
- Chapter 10: Trade and Development
- Introduction
- 10.1 Comparative Advantage
- 10.2 The Globalization Clock
- 10.3 Globalization in Crisis
- 10.4 Does U.S. Prosperity Depend on Exploitation?
- 10.5 Weaponizing Free Trade Agreements
- 10.6 SWIFT, the U.S. Dollar, and the Global Political Economy of Trade
- 10.7 China’s Dangerous Inflection Point
- 10.8 Whatever Happened to Development?
- Contributors